Goodbye, Tectra Auto Clicker

Goodbye, Tectra Auto Clicker


I had a hard time creating this post. However, I think that it’s for the best I go through with this. I have decided to discontinue the Tectra Auto Clicker.
How come? Well, it’s pretty clear that the Tectra Auto Clicker is long past its prime. It lacks features, has a number of annoying quirks, and its code is quite messy.

I am aware that these issues could be fixed in an update, but I don’t really see the point. Of all the projects I have, the Tectra Auto Clicker is probably the least exciting to me.

With that being said, I still have a lot of nostalgia for my little auto clicker. In a way, it was kind of the first modern Tectra program. After several months of inactivity, it was the first program I wrote for Windows in 2019. Following its release, I was motivated to work on Tectra once again. I would later create Lynx, ClipIMG, and many other programs that are still available today.

For these reasons, I'm glad I created my little auto clicker. However, I know I must retire it and move forward. With that being said, you'll still be able to download it from the archive page.

Goodbye, Tectra Auto Clicker. It's been awesome.

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