Goals for November

Goals for November


November is here! That means that I have some new goals for the month. Remember, these are my goals. Whether or not they’ll actually see the light of day is unknown. However, with any luck, they hopefully will.
My goals:
  • vtOS v1.1: I have begun working on the next version of vtOS. I plan on adding some neat new features, so stay tuned!
  • New ​Android App: I have started working on my next Android app. It will take a photo of you and give your free compliments! Keep an eye out for more updates.
  • Top-Secret Program: I have a top-secret new program in the works. If it is released, it will be a really big deal. Unfortunately, that's all I can tell you about it at this point. With any luck, I'll start working on it soon.
  • New UI for Writer: ​If I have time, I hope to redesign Writer's user interface. While there's nothing wrong with it, it does feel a bit dated by today's standards. I hope to update the UI in the next major release if possible.
I'll admit, these are an ambitious set of goals. However, with any luck, most (if not all) should see the light of day. Keep an eye out for more updates!

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