Introducing Compass & Barometer!

Introducing Compass & Barometer!


Wouldn't it be handy if there was an app that combined the functions of a compass and barometer? That's what I thought when I wrote the latest and greatest Tectra app, Compass & Barometer. Before going any further, I would like to thank Chandler North for suggesting the idea of making a barometer app. This app wouldn't be nearly as neat without his suggestion!
Compass & Barometer's functions are summed up pretty well in the video that I made below. I apologize for how fast-paced it is. I needed to keep it short so I didn't use up too much cellular data when uploading it.
I hope you like Compass & Barometer! It's hard to believe that Tectra now has four Android apps on the Play Store. I look forward to releasing more in the near future!

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